Whether your bookkeeping is undertaken in-house or outsourced to us, we prepare accurate and timely management accounts, enabling you to understand exactly where your business is and how it is performing.
We produce bespoke reports for each client, either monthly or quarterly, detailing the exact information required for the business and client.
These typically include:
A Profit & Loss Account for the month/quarter.
A Profit & Loss Account for the year to date.
Comparisons of the past month/quarter, and the year to date, with your previous year.
These reports help you understand the performance of your business during this period, compared to last year.
A Balance Sheet at the end of the month/quarter.
Variance reports that compare actual performance to forecasted performance for the month/quarter.
Analysis and graphical representations of your business’ Key Performance Indicators for the month/quarter.
A jargon-free commentary of the figures, enabling readers to fully understand what they mean - e.g. the reasons for any loss during that period, the reasons for any variance between forecasted and actual performance.
Professional and accurate reports, rather than basic information from Sage
Up to date information, enabling confident decision-making
Reports tailored to suit your requirements
For further advice on Management Accounts and how Anthony Russel may be able to assist, please call the office on 01376 550295 or get in touch via our contact form.